Digital Out Of Home Advertising

Position your brand in the minds of your potential customers

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is a great way of advertising your company. With eye-catching visuals in high-tracking locations, DOOH allows you to reach your target audience as they go about their daily lives.
98% of consumers have seen DOOH advertisements in the last 30 days, and most see multiple advertisements on screens daily.
  From restaurants and bakeries to supermarkets and tag agencies, we have a network of more than 100 locations all over South Florida where we can advertise your company, services, and products most effectively.

Brand-it Media

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Years of experience
Commercials made
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People reach daily
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High Exposure

Advertise in targeted high traffic locations throughout South Florida.
Get over 1,200 targeted ad spots per month. The high repetition creates awareness and assures a more successful campaign.

Save Money

Our prices deliver one of the lowest costs per impression in the market, not only compared with TV, but with any other medium.

Demographically Targeted

You can reach an audience in a specific area and the particular age group. For example, if you wish to target males between the ages of 25-40, studies show that you can find this group often visiting coffee shops, bars, and gyms


Choose the locations where you want to post your ads.
All our screens are individually programmed. They will allow you to convey one or several messages to the appropriate audience.

Eye Catching and Entertaining

A recent study by YuMe and IPG Media Lab found that consumers are 41% more receptive to advertising in public places than at home.

Get Results

Increase in Sales, Reinforce your Brand, Foster Customer Loyalty.
Effective advertising requires a targeted audience plus high repetition.